Grilled Knob Onions with Balsamic Reduction

Sweet grilled knob onions make an excellent side dish in the summer time when they are plentiful. Most any onion will grill nicely, but I prefer to use the knob onion (which is like a large scallion, and sometimes called a globe or bulb onion.)

Although the term "spring onion" is used colloquially to encompass all onions with edible greens, and although nomenclature varies by English-speaking country, scallions and spring bulb onions are not the same. Knob onions are onions harvested as babies, usually with bulbs of 1 to 2 inches in diameter. If left in the ground, they would develop into mature onions. Scallions, on the other hand, would never develop a round bulb. So you are looking for a knob onion as pictured here.

Simply grill them until tender and drizzle with a balsamic glaze or reduction. I purchase my glaze pre-made at the store most of the time. If you want to make a balsamic reduction do the following.

Balsamic Reduction
Mix balsamic vinegar with brown sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer until glaze is reduced by half, about 20 minutes. Glaze should coat the back of a spoon. Let cool and pour into a jar with a lid; store in refrigerator.

Select about one onion per person. Clean them by removing any root end that exists and tear off any outer loose skin or damaged/dry stems. Cut the onions in half leaving on the leafy stem top. Coat with olive oil, salt and pepper and place on a hot grill with the cut side down and the tender green leaves over a cooler section of the grill. Alternatively, you can wrap the tops in foil to prevent burning. Cook until tender, only 3-5 minutes, turning once halfway through. Drizzle with balsamic reduction and serve.
